The Astrology Association of NSW Inc (AANSW) arranges educational and social events that promote co-operation and engagement between people with an interest in astrology.
Speaker’s Report - June 2023
Our speaker for June was Kelly Surtees, astrology, consultant, writer and astrologer teacher, who presented an insightful workshop titled ‘Predictive Pathways: Progressed Moon and Transits’.
President’s Report - June 2023
Welcome to the June edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits. With the colder days of winter approaching, the June meeting is often one of the quietest meetings of the year, so when the AANSW Committee was planning the year ahead, we thought the June meeting would be an ideal opportunity to host an online workshop and we could all stay warm and cosy at home!
President’s Report - May 2023
Welcome to the May edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits. On Easter Saturday, which in 2023 fell on the same day as our regular monthly meeting, we met online in the evening rather than in the afternoon at Drummoyne Community Centre. International astrologer, Faye Blake, presented a most interesting mini-workshop on Astrolocality from Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
Speaker’s Report - April 2023
The April workshop was hosted by Faye Blake, astrologer, therapist and founder of Amsterdam School of Astrology.
President’s Report - April 2023
Welcome to the April edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits. The second Saturday of April in normal circumstances would see our monthly meeting at Drummoyne Community Centre, however in 2023, Saturday 8th April is also Easter Saturday.
Speaker’s Report - March 2023
Our speaker for March was Anita Ings, professional astrologer and passionate teacher of astrology. Anita is also Treasurer of AANSW and a FAA National Council Member. She has served as the FAA President and Vice President since 2006 and Anita is the FAA Executive representative on the FAA Exam Board.
President’s Report - March 2023
Welcome to the March edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits. It was great to see increased numbers of members and guests returning in person to the monthly meeting in February, well supported by a strong online presence.
Speaker’s Report - February 2023
Our speaker for February was Dr Neil Hair, Principal of the Sydney School of Numerology and President of the AANSW who presented a fascinating talk titled ‘Autocracy vs Democracy’.
President’s Report - December 2022
Welcome to the December edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits, the final edition for 2022. It’s hard to believe that Christmas has crept up on us again, and after a break of three long years AANSW can welcome the return of our annual Christmas Party.
Speaker’s Report - November 2022
Our November 2022 speaker Marc Laurenson provided a glimpse as to the approach and effect of the natal opposition aspect as it manifests for the individual within one’s own natal chart and how one should approach the presence of this natal aspect, which is traditionally seen as a challenging and tension producing aspect.
President’s Report - November 2022
Welcome to the November edition of the AANSW newsletter Orbits. The AANSW Committee which was elected at the AGM in September has another new member, Michelle Mravunac, who was co-opted at the October committee meeting.
Speaker’s Report - October 2022
Our October 2002 speaker Penny Walters believes major life changing events, those often sudden and traumatic ones, are an essential part of the learning we need so that we can grow into the person we are meant to be become in this lifetime. Using a corporate world / financial market’s term – The Black Swan event, Penny dived into her philosophy of choosing to use the difficult events in life as a learning experience and turning them into assets.
Speaker’s Report - September 2022
Our September 2022 speaker Roz Noble took us through the timing technique we could deploy if the question of ‘when’ become critical in a Horary reading.
Speaker’s Report - August 2022
Our August 2022 speaker Kira Sutherland shared her deep knowledge of medical astrology. She looked at the 6th House from a slightly different perspective and linked a few 6th House concepts together and how they are related to health.
Speaker’s Report - April 2022
Our April 2022 speaker Luke Bayley shared with us his observations and knowledge on harmonics, focusing on 4, 5, 7 & 9. Luke started venture into harmonics after he learnt about Navamsa or D9 Chart in Vedic Astrology, which is equivalent to the 9th Harmonic.
Speaker’s Report - March 2022
Our March 2022 speaker Rick Levine provided us with new perspective to reincarnation (and dis-incarnation). He used a non-linear way to present his ideas including looking at relationship between the physical world and the consciousness, the role of Saturn in reincarnation, dis-incarnation, and ‘change’.
Speaker’s Report - February 2022
Our February 2022 speaker Dr Neil Hair looks to the medium-term horizon and zooms in to the coming Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2025 / 2026 and discusses its potential impact to the world.
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“The AANSW monthly meetings are always interesting and stimulating. I have learnt about a wide range of topics that I otherwise would not have been exposed to as an independent student of astrology. I have also made good friends and become part of a friendly and knowledgeable astrological community.”
Michelle, FAA member