The Astrology Association of NSW Inc (AANSW) arranges educational and social events that promote co-operation and engagement between people with an interest in astrology.
AANSW monthly meeting in February
The Astrology Association of NSW Inc invites you to the next AANSW meeting.
When: Saturday 8th February 2025
Where: Drummoyne Community Centre, 10 Cometrowe St, Drummoyne,
or online via GoToMeeting (book at link below)
What time: 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start
Presentation: Exploring the Configuration of the Century
Speaker: Neil Hair
In Planetary Cycles Mundane Astrology, French mundane astrologer Andre Barbault described the upcoming harmonious configuration of Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus as the ʻmost benefic configuration of the centuryʼ that will aspire to a ʻsplendid relaunch of civilisationʼ. Given the turmoil currently in parts of the world, that would be very healing. Neil will explore this major configuration which at the underlying level involves the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in early degrees of Aries in their 36-year synodic cycle. During the 20th century, this conjunction became associated with the beginnings of communism in Russia and the emergence of autocratic single-party socialist states, for example North Korea and China. However, this is not a run-of-the-mill synodic conjunction.
In 2025, Saturn and Neptune will be joined harmoniously by Pluto and Uranus in the freedom loving signs, Aquarius and Gemini. Pluto and Uranus themselves will be at a harmonious point of their synodic cycle, as they will be with both Saturn and Neptune. In the 6th century BCE, the grand conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Taurus in 578-576 BCE saw the emergence of significant spiritual-religious figures led by Pythagoras, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha and Zoroaster. How it will work out this time and which countries will be involved remains to be seen - all will be revealed in time.
Following his main presentation, Neil will review a few of the major events of 2024 and will look forward into 2025 using the perspective of astrology and numerology.
Speaker bio
Dr Neil Hair is a former President of the Astrology Association of NSW (2014-2024) and is Principal of the Sydney School of Numerology. He teaches numerology courses and workshops, consults to individuals and businesses through numerology and astrology and researches the destinies of nations. Neil’s original background is in chemistry and he taught at high school and university, before becoming a financial analyst, software designer and managing director of a software house. He began studying and researching numerology and astrology in 1981, teaching numerology from 1992 and established Sydney School of Numerology in 2000. Neil resumed teaching at a natural therapies college from 2006 to 2018, tutoring and teaching in chemistry and biochemistry. He is fascinated by the synergy between science and spirituality, and is currently writing a book on numerology to document his research and practice over the past 40 years.
Select this option if you are a AANSW/VAA/QFA/FAASA/FAAWA member (price includes Stripe surcharge).
Select this option if you are a AANSW/VAA/QFA/FAASA/FAAWA member with a concession (price includes Stripe surcharge).
Select this option if you are a visitor and not an FAA member (price includes Stripe surcharge).
Select this option if you are a visitor with a concession and not an FAA member (price includes Stripe surcharge).
Register for the February 2025 meeting
Upcoming Meetings
February 2025
Presentation: Exploring the Configuration of the Century
Speaker: Dr Neil Hair
March 2025
Presentation: Nicholas Culpepper
Speaker: Joshua Hancock
April 2025
Presentation: Horary
Speaker: Rozlyn Noble
May 2025
Presentation: Vertex
Speaker: Anita Ings
June 2025
Presentation: Mark Jones
Speaker: International speaker online workshop
July 2025
Speaker: TBC
August 2025
Presentation: TBC
Speaker: Kira Sutherland
September 2025
Presentation: TBC
Speaker: Marc Laurenson
October 2025
Speaker: TBC
November 2025
Speaker: TBC
December 2025
Speaker: TBC
Meetings are the 2nd Saturday of every month (except January).
Meetings are held at the Drummoyne Community Centre (unless otherwise notified). The address is at 10 Cometrowe Street, Drummoyne. You can also attend meetings online (via GoToMeeting).
Meetings are held between 1.15pm and 4:30pm.
Yes, visitors are always welcome.
“Joining the AANSW gave me an instant community of people who share my love of astrology and speak the same astrological language. The more experienced astrologers mentor and share their knowledge generously. Undertaking the Australia-wide exam system has enabled me to obtain a professional level qualification, legitimising my knowledge and giving me the confidence to practice with both ethics and expertise.”
Wendy, FAA member